Terms and conditions
We are the company Sociedade Lusitana de Hotéis, Lda, owner of the brand and hotel Dom Sancho I Hotel.
Our address is Av. da Liberdade 202 ,1250-147 Lisbon. You can contact us by the form of the Contacts page, by email at info@domsancho.com or by phone +351 213 513 160 (call to portuguese landline network).
We gladly and willingly provide this website (“site”) in order to provide relevant information about us and our offers.
The present text is a legal and binding agreement between the visitor and the Dom Sancho I Hotel that governs the use of this site. By staying on the site means that you have accepted the terms and conditions for its use.
Modifications to the Terms and Conditions
We reserve the right to enter or modify the terms and conditions of the agreement whenever we deem it necessary, so please consult these terms and conditions whenever you visit us. It is your sole responsibility to accept and comply with the terms when accessing this site, and if for any reason you do not agree to these terms, you should not consult the same.
Site Usage and Copyright
The content on this site, including trademarks, designs, logos, text, images, audio and video material, is the intellectual property of Dom Sancho I Hotel, unless otherwise indicated by reference to its source, and is protected in general terms and national and international intellectual property protection legislation. Accordingly, it is not permitted to display, reproduce, distribute, modify, transmit or use the content in any way for any purpose without the prior written consent of Dom Sancho I Hotel.
In any case, you may print any excerpt from the content of this site provided that it is not altered in any way and it is contemplated the indication of the source and the copyright. Finally, all content on this site is protected by the Copyright and Related Rights, Intellectual Property Rights and the Law of Computer Crime.
If you have a website and you want to place a link that points directly to the Dom Sancho I Hotel website, you must ask permission from the Dom Sancho I Hotel. In this case, it will not be an implicit affiliation or partnership agreement.
Any and all hyperlinks to the Dom Sancho I Hotel’s website using the framing or in-line linking technique are formally prohibited. The Dom Sancho I Hotel has no responsibility whatsoever for content and links on third party websites that link to the Dom Sancho I Hotel website.
User Conduct
The Dom Sancho I Hotel is not responsible for any inconvenience or damage caused by the use of the site, such as service interruption, external intrusion, anomalies caused by computer viruses or any other case. It is not responsible also for illegal or undue behavior on the part of the visitors.
Content and Warranties
Dom Sancho I Hotel manages this site with the intention of presenting and making available its hotel and catering services.
When you access a third-party site, you must read and accept the terms of that site before using it. We reserve the right to suspend access to the site without prior notice, for any reason, and may change the conditions of access.
We also reserve the right to periodically carry out maintenance and update of the site. These interventions may, in circumstance, degrade or condition access to the site for a certain period of time.
All the general terms and conditions are to be fulfilled and respected and apply throughout the duration of the online services offered by Dom Sancho I Hotel.
The Applicable Law
This site is governed by Portuguese Law.
RAL Information
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
In compliance with Law no. 144/2015 of 8 September, the Dom Sancho I Hotel informs its clients, who are consumers in the definition provided by said Law, that in the event of a dispute, may resort to an Alternative Consumer Litigation Entity:
CNIACC – National Center for Consumer Conflict Information and Arbitration
Email: cniacc@fd.unl.pt
For more information, see the Consumer Portal at www.consumidor.pt